IAF Agnivervayu Result 2023: Check list of selected candidates here

IAF Agniveervayu Result 2023

New Delhi, 9 November 2023: The Indian Air Force (IAF) has released the results of Agniveer Vayu Phase-I. The results are available on the official website of IAF agnipathvayu.cdac.in. Candidates can check their result using their registration number and date of birth.

The IAF has recruited a total of 10,000 candidates in this year's recruitment drive. The selected candidates will undergo two years of training at various IAF training institutes across the country.

Successful candidates will be commissioned as Airmen in IAF.

IAF has released the results of all trades and categories. To check the result, you need to visit the IAF website and enter your registration number and date of birth. You will then be able to see your result and the next steps you need to take.

IAF has also released a list of top 10 candidates in each trade. These candidates have scored the highest marks in the written test and SSB interview.

IAF congratulates all the selected candidates and wishes them all the best in their future careers.

Link to check the result: https: / / nvshq. org / result /Indian-airforce-agniver-vayu-result /

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